Questions for Therapists and Healers

In the Black Healing Fund roster, we want to specifically recommend the services of therapists and healers who whole heartedly acknowledge the fact that we are operating in a white supremacist world and that Black (and other marginalized people) fall victim to systemic violence and oppression to the detriment of their mental health. Do you acknowledge that the denial of these violent conditions as a person in a position of power would cause further harm to your Black (and BIPOC) clients? This instagram post and caption highlights some of the ways that therapists can perpetuate white supremacy.

We believe that Black Healing can only happen in an environment where sessions are led by individuals who acknowledge and denounce the violent systems we all live and operate within; thank you for taking the time to answer this question. (You may also provide a link to anything you have previously written that addresses this).

Are you queer / trans / LGBTQ2SIA+ friendly? Do you have experience treating queer / trans / LGBTQ2SIA+ patients / clients / students?

Do you support sex work and sex workers?

Are you polyamorous / polyamorous friendly and do you have experience treating polyamorous patients / clients / students?

Do you approach situations with your patients / clients / students in a way that is guided by Harm Reduction principles?

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If you are an anti-racist therapist or healer (Black and BIPOC healers particularly encouraged) and can offer your services (physically or remotely) in the Tio’tia:ke / Montreal area and would like to be added to our ever-expanding list, please fill out the form: